The DIY Bath Bomb That Smells AND Works Wonders

April 19, 2017 1 min read

Bath bombs are…well, da bomb. (Excuse my ghetto slang y’all.) We’ve been seeing a rise in their popularity due to the rainbow errrthang craze last year, although rainbow bath bombs are a bit too psychedelic for my taste. And while I do love me some fizzing, delicious-smelling goodness in the hotel tub (cuz who has one at home, seriously?), I’m not willing to put down $20 for one. So what’s the next best thing? DIY, of course. This tried-and-tested rose bath bomb recipe not only revives and moisturizes dry skin, it relieves muscle aches and stiff joints. Now doesn’t that sound wonderful? Cara definitely agrees. 

bath bomb
(Retrieved from

Rose Bath Bomb recipe:

  • 2 cups of Epsom salts (You can buy them at any Guardian outlet.)
  • Petals from two roses
  • 7 drops of your favourite essential oil (We recommend vanilla or better yet, rose oil!)
bath bomb
(Retrieved from

Mix all the ingredients together in a large mixing bowl or a blender. It’s up to you how you want the consistency of the salt to be – smooth or rough. No matter what, the salt will work wonders at exfoliating your skin. Scoop up the formula and throw them straight into your bathtub (if you are lazy like me, teehee!) or you can press them into moulds to make your desired bath bomb shapes. Something to do for your next staycation with your girlfriends or husband, perhaps? *winks*

The post The DIY Bath Bomb That Smells AND Works Wonders appeared first on Zahara.

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