April 19, 2017 4 min read

Meem Clothings, founded by Nur Hanis in 2010, is a growing online Muslimah fashion brand based in Singapore. Their gorgeously ethereal designs promote hayaa; dressing with simplicity and modesty in mind. They offer a good mix of casual wear as well as dressier outfits for special occasions, by cleverly combining both fashion and faith. Meem designs outfits that are not only comfortable and modest, but also wudhu- and nursing-friendly! (Some of the dresses have zips down the front and at the sleeves for ease.) Another reason why Zahara loves them is how they portray the beauty of Muslim women with the stunning photographs on their Instagram page. So read on as we have a chat with the founder of Meem Clothings, Hanis!  


Nur Hanis, founder of Meem Clothings

What inspired you to start your own company?
When I first started, I really had no clue of what I was doing! I suppose being the eldest of 3 sisters made me want to be more independent. At a very young age, I somehow had the drive to want make and create things that people actually want. So I experimented with different things, from designing on shoes to tie-dying clothes to sell to people. That was how it all started! It stuck with me through the years because it makes me happy to design something that people actually really like. I feel really blessed that Allah has given me this opportunity to find something that I’m passionate about and giving me the means to actually work on it. Alhamdulillah.

Describe a typical weekday for you.
Work starts with me checking my emails, for either customer enquiries or miscellaneous stuff like collaborations with other brands and companies. I would then spend some time with my husband planning for the future of Meem Clothings. There is always something to plan about! (What shall we design next? When should we proceed? What colours and materials to use? Where should we shoot next?) The list goes on and on and on!

Where do you see Meem Clothings in 5 years’ time?
My main aim for Meem Clothings is for women of all shapes and sizes to be able to find modest dresses easily. I want to serve the ummafor the better good. If I could help a sister cover her aurat and have easy asses to clothes that is modest, I would be more than contented. So, insyaAllah in 5 years’ time, I would like to see Meem Clothings as not only being the brand that sisters can go to find modest dresses of various designs and colours, but also as a community of sisters where we can share skills and advice and a platform that can benefit everybody!

Meem’s latest collection. the Nusaybah Wrap Jubah

As a Zahara Warrior, what would you say to someone who wants to start her own company one day?
I would say go for it! I mean, I started when I was 17 years old. And let me tell you, there will be A LOT of people that will put you down or will think that you will never succeed. As long as you are passionate in what you do, and always willing to learn, go for it.

The journey is long (Meem Clothings is still just a little boat in this big, big ocean), and hard. It will knock you down, and keep you down, and make you question yourself… But it is also fun and exciting, and will always offer you something new around every corner. You meet incredible people along the way and you learn invaluable life experiences that will only mould you for the better. So for those who wants to start your own company one day, I say, start now…Why wait?

We love your Instagram feed! Who do you follow on Instagram to get inspiration?
Well… I would have to be honest here. After I got married recently, my husband has been the one curating our instagram feed! We have to ask him for this one! Alhamdulillah. How we usually do it is that I would tell him how I want the photos to be, by either giving him other photos to look at for inspiration and giving keywords like “I want it to be ‘white’ and ’serene’ etc. He then shoots the photos and creates his own magic!

What should every woman try at least once in her life?
This is a tough question…There are so many things that I feel that every women needs to do! I would say, do something that you’ve always wanted to do, but never dared to do because it’s ‘too difficult’ or ‘too risky’. I’ve learnt that it is important to take risks, because you really never know what you can achieve or what you’ll get until you do that one thing. We’re all at different stages of our life, with different aims and goals, and I believe that every stage, there is that one thing that they want to do but they just can’t or don’t want to. So weigh up your options, and just do it!

Also, there is this ‘pisang terowong’ in Batam which everyone should try at least once! It’s fried bananas with cheese and chocolate. *drools* I’m a sucker for food and I have a sweet tooth for awesome things! I’m craving for some now!

Check out Meem Clothings on Instagram @meemclothings and on their website to get your hands on their beautifully elegant modestwear!

The post ZAHARA WARRIOR HANIS of MEEM CLOTHINGS appeared first on Zahara.

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