August 01, 2019 2 min read

To our Zahara Warriors,

This August represents our 4th birthday. Thank you, for your endless amount of love and support you have given to Zahara all these years. We feel very humbled and grateful knowing that we would not be here today if it weren’t for our gracious and beautiful Warriors like you. We do this for you ladies. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts <3

Over the last 4 years, Zahara has faced many challenges and gone through changes. Reflecting on the past helps us decide how we want to grow in the future. Have we accomplished what we set out to do? If not, how do we want Zahara to impact the world?

I had to go back to the core of our brand - the Zahara Warrior. I know who she is. She’s strong, independent and she puts herself first no matter what. Her self-care routine is important to her and she makes informed choices. I came to realize that Zahara cannot just be another nail polish brand. We’re here to stand for something greater and we’re here to build a diverse and inclusive community.

So this August is going to be a month of refocus and growth for Zahara. The new vision for our future is women helping women be their best self. Women are magnificent creatures in that we have enormous empathy and we often expend so much effort into taking care of the people around us. It's easy to always feel like we need to put someone (or something) before ourselves, but hey - don’t forget your own dreams, beliefs and well-being. Zahara is here to help you put yourself first, your well-being is our priority.

Zahara will be the nail care brand that women can finally relate to. Nails are the one beauty routine you do for yourself, and not for anyone else! Since the beginning, we’ve always ensured that our products are non-toxic, vegan and cruelty-free, made with only the best and cleanest ingredients. Moving forward, this will continue to be the norm for any and all of Zahara’s products. You won’t need to worry about what’s in our products because we’ve done the research for you.

So, what about our cosmetics? Well, some of you might notice that they are no longer available on our website, and that’s because we’ve decided to discontinue our cosmetics line for now. Will they come back? Potentially, but for now, we really want to focus on our core product so they can be as perfect as possible for you.

To kick off our new journey, our birthday month is full of surprises - new shades, a massive celebration and much more! Watch this space closely.

We’re so excited about what’s to come. We hope that all our Zahara Warriors will join us on this adventure. And if you’re new - hey! Welcome to our fierce tribe of Zahara Warriors!

Amira Geneid
Founder of Zahara

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