Introducing Our First Zahara Warrior

January 14, 2016 2 min read

Zahara Warrior Shaheera

I’d like to introduce you to our very first featured Zahara Warrior – Shaheera Abdullah.

Shaheera is

  • Super Organized
  • A KL city girl living in London
  • She hopes to develop her career young so that she can spend more time pursuing charity work throughout Malaysia

What do you currently do? What's next?

I just finished my business undergraduate degree at Queen Mary University of London and have my graduation coming up next month. I am going to begin doing an internship starting in September at Boots Pharmacy in London – really looking forward to it!

What does being a Zahara Warrior mean to you?

I believe being a ZW means being the best version of yourself. Be who you are but be confident and be comfortable. It means being able to do what you think you can push yourself!

What advice or wisdom do you wish you knew before you started your degree? Would you have done things differently?

Business is very interesting and I do enjoy it quite a lot but it doesn't excite me. If I could go back I wish someone had told me not to rush and figure out what you like. I think in today's society there is such a push to go right to university and take a degree, but sometimes you just need to go at your own pace and figure out what you like before you spend years on a degree. Now, I realize I love Interior Design, but I know that I could've figured that out if I had not rushed into getting my degree.

Who inspires you? Your Zahara Warrior?

My close friends are my Zahara Warriors they all are so passionate about what they are doing, and they all absolutely love it. It makes me feel inspired to find what I feel deeply about and go after it. It's not always easy finding the one thing you love in life, but they all have found that and I hope to be that passionate about what I choose! They show me that you don't need to settle for anything, we should always be choosing what makes us happiest and work towards achieving that!

Final Thoughts

Even though barely 21, we admire Shaheera for being caring and mature beyond her years. We're definitely excited to feature more of you beautiful women. Email us if you know a Zahara Warrior who deserves to be celebrated for her awesomeness.


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